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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23/13 Snowmobile Trail and Bomarc

Even colder today-  2.5 with a wind chill of -15 and  a predicted high of 5 when we left the house. When we returned -after 11:00 the temperature, rather than rising , had dropped to  -0.7 . We managed to get in an hour and a half without losing toes or fingers ( Kelley was happy and did not seem affected and thinks I'm a woos) . We took the trail behind the house to a side trail ( non-snowmobile) - the crust was firm enough to make the walking OK.

Kelley was happy with this because this was the first time on this trail this winter and she likes variety. When we came to the fork in the trail we took the one toward Bomarc ( a former missile site-now a small industrial park) for more variety.

After wandering around there for a bit we went through some woods to the trailer park and through that back to the snowmobile trail and that took us home.

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