A couple more inches of snow this morning so after clearing drives we headed for the Hidden Ponds. We would not do the Tunk trails because they have some difficult sections for Kelley even under good conditions. We parked at the new parking lot and headed off. Kelley excited by the new powdery snow and being on the trails. The footing was good and the walking easy. No one had preceded us and the snow unbroken except for ( I think) coyote tracks for a long ways. We bypassed the turn for the new loop trail and continued on the old trail. There is a sign saying it is 'no longer maintained' but it's in good condition and you would not think it neglected. The trail runs along the side of a ridge for awhile and the drops down to run along the side of the pond before petering out. We did a bit of exploring and found a wide trail marked with orange tape and followed that for awhile and then another trail off that but they were taking us in the wrong direction ( we had hoped for something going around Tilden) and we left them to explore on another day.
We backtracked to the loop trail and took that back to the main trail near Salmon Pond where we stopped and had our lunch before walking back out. A very pleasant outing with the feeling we had it all to ourselves. 2 1/2 hours.
No pictures today because I forgot to put a memory card in the camera. An older post shows the area but under different conditions in May