Another beautiful day. Bright sun, little wind, and it must have been near 50 as once we started climbing I was in shirtsleeves. We started from Route 3 at the trail head for the Ladder Trail instead of for Canon Brook. The trail takes you across smooth rocks and quickly to the Kane Path intersection where we turned left. You can see the trail marker with the white sign telling hikers to be aware that several trails have had their names changed ( unfortunately they don't say from what to what).

This was an improvement over our usual start which Kelley is not fond of ( nor me when snowy or icy). When there is no ice she walks through the water rather than on the planks.

The Kane Path becomes the Canon Brook Trail (and this was almost free of snow and an easy walk with lots of water for Kelley) which we took to the Dorr Mtn. S. Ridge Trail. The first part of this trail had little snow and is a fairly open gradual climb.

The amount of snow increased as we ascended but was not a problem for either of us. Kelley really likes to run in nice loose snow.

She is not much of a poser so to get her to stay near the sign post long enough for a picture I put treats in the rocks.

As I've said before, Kelley likes to leave the trail if there is a view to be had and she led me to this one. The island in the foreground is Bar Island from which the town takes it's name. At low tide you can walk from the town to the island .

We returned the way we had come and the best views are on the descent as you have it all spread out before you.

Queen of the mountain.

When we reached the Canon Brook Trail we turned right to the intersection with the A Murray Young trail and one of our favorite lunch spots. We then returned the way we had come. A fine hike 3 1/4 hours
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