A beautiful sunny day with temps in the 50's. In less than 5 minutes Kelley was in the water.

We started from the Jordan Pond parking area and walked the Pond Trail

To the Pemetic SW Trail which starts out wooded but then becomes rocky and fairly steep but with some nice open views. Though fairly strenuous I think it is the easiest way up Pemetic.

From the summit we wanted to descended on the Pemetic NW Trail which proved to be a challenge. There did not seem to be a trail marker and there was a fair amount of drifted snow and it took some floudering around in the snow and brush to find the trail. It was very steep and rocky with a fair amount of ice in spite of the mild weather we have been having.

There were a couple of places Kelley had to find ways around and then this section that we both had to bushwhack around.

When we reached the loop road we took the trail to the Bubbles ( both easy trails) and did the North Bubble first and had this view of Jordan Pond

And then South Bubble . Bubble Rock is an erratic moved may miles to this spot and left by the retreating glacier.

We tried to descend to Jordan Pond by the South Bubble Trail but hit a section Kelley could not manage and so backtracked to the Bubbles Trail and took that down to the pond. This trail was fairly steep but not difficult and quite pleasant.

We then took the Jordan Pond Trail back to where we started and near the end had this view of The Bubbles

A hike with a variety of terrain , some challenges, and a lot of beauty. 4 1/4 hours
Nice photos. Worth looking at more than once. I laughed at the beautiful pic of Kelley wagging her tail in the water!
ReplyDeleteYou have mentioned the exposed tree roots more than once in the past; I can plainly see them in more than one picture here. I imagine that would make for difficult footing if slippery.
Thanks John. Yes the roots are quite slippery when wet and can also trip you up when dry. I almost didn't post the picture of Kelley in the water because of the odd colors but Mary really liked it so...