One more attempt to get to the Buzzy Brook Trails. Coming down the Stud Mill from Rte. 2 we found the gate open but the closed sign still in place. We drove further down the road to the other gate and found it still locked. Afraid they might relock the first gate, and since it was only 1/2 mile from the gate to McLaughlin Rd. we decided to park outside the gate and walk the road.
Don't know what kind of bird this came from.

The North Buzzy Brook Trail was quite wet in places but it usually is.There were buds on the trees at the brook but it's still not very spring looking.

We started back down the trail and found a trail to the west that is not on the map and that we had not been on before. It led to another trail that did look familiar and we took that.

Which ended at water- we think the Little Buzzy Brook

Kelley thought it was a pretty good spot.

We back tracked to where we had turned off and that eventually led us back to the loop trail

Which we took back to the trail head and on out to the road and back to our car
Where we found the gate locked- we were glad we were on the other side of it.

A pretty nice hike. 3 hours