An early start and more comfortable temps. No wind and no insects- I think the dry summer has kept the mosquito population in check.
Pano of Partridge Pond. Please click separately for large version

and , of course, Kelley in the pond
If you cross the stream that comes out of the pond ( almost dry today) you come to a large ledge , which you can see sticking out in picture above
and another chance at the pond
Tree on the trail to Ducktail
Ducktail Pond
It became quite windy and blew the water across the lily pads so they were just under the water
Last time in Ducktail
That bridge again - and again she went around
Nice day in the woods. Kelley did well though a bit slower ( I may be a bit slower too as we are both aging) . We also had the place to ourselves- very peaceful. 1 3/4 hours