Mix of clouds and sun,low 30's,little wind. We started from the Route 52 parking area though we couldn't get into the lot (snow) and parked beside the road. This first section of the Maiden Cliff Trail had many icy areas making it necessary to walk beside the trail in several places. We did, however, meet a man with two friendly black labs and Kelley got to play with them for awhile which made her very happy. It became less icy and snowier has we got nearer the cliff which is so named because of a little girl falling to her death from the spot in the 1860's and there is a large cross to mark the spot. From the cliff we took the Scenic Trail and then the Ridge Trail across to Mt. Megunticook and Ocean Lookout. These trails were snowier and less icy and it was quite a nice walk. The plan had been to return on the Jack Williams Trail but every time I am in the Ocean Lookout area my poor sense of direction becomes nonexistent and we could not find that trail. We took the Ridge Trail back and turned off before the cliff (staying on the Ridge Trail to Maiden Cliff Trail)to return to our car. A very nice hike 5 hours

From Maiden Cliff

Scenic Trail

Kelley Enjoying Her Apple

Ridge Trail

From Ocean Lookout

Mt. Megunticook Trail
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