and took the Pond Trail to Pemetic SW Trail. This is a fairly challenging trail for Kelley as it becomes fairly steep and there are several rocky sections to negotiate. This was the first but she managed to find her own way around all of the hard spots.

And as you ascend you cross several large granite ledges- more tricky for me than for Kelley

It doesn't have to be a lot of water

After you reach the junction with the South Ridge Trail it's mostly open rock to the summit

This was our view from the summit

We took the Pemetic NW Trail down to the loop road, This is also a fairly difficult trail- steep and rocky. Again, Kelley managed this trail without help from me.

From the loop road ( closed for the winter) we took the trail to South bubble where we had this view of Eagle lake.

Bubble Rock is a glacial erratic carried here from many miles away and left when the glacier retreated.

We then took the Bubble Divide down to Jordan Pond. This is also a very rocky trail and fairly steep in places.

Kelley working out a way through large stones.

When we got to the north end of Jordan Pond she was glad to find water to get into.

Unfinished beaver work

After having our lunch we took the Jordan Pond Trail back to the south end where we were parked

and walked over by the pond house for some different views of the pond

A somewhat strenuous hike but an enjoyable one . 3 1/2 hours