The day started out cold and gray but by the time we got to the park we had sun and a beautiful day.

There had been little or no traffic on the carriage roads except for the section near Little Long Pond which had been plowed prior to the last light snow. As we neared the pond Kelley took off toward it and I expected she had caught the scent of another dog.

I was correct and soon found her with Zeus and Zeus' owner. Both dogs like the snow
and to play with sticks .

and here Zeus got all of them. This was great fun for Kelley who doesn't get to play with other dogs as often as she would like.

We circled back to 33 and continued north. This section had not been plowed and had had little traffic so it was harder walking for me. Kelley did not seem concerned and did a lot of running up and back. I think she was also happy to be back at Acadia after our absence.

When we come to an intersection she usually stops to wait for me to indicate our route and sometimes indicates the direction she prefers. She wanted to take the Asticou Trail so we took that across to the carriage road along Jordan Stream to then loop back. Here she is waiting patiently for me to catch up.

We lost the sun but it was still a pretty day.

Most of the hike had been a fairly strenuous slog for me but after 3-3/4 hours Kelley was still running and showing no signs of fatigue. I was glad to see the car.