Mixed sun and clouds but warmer. We had not been to Acadia since the big snow and not knowing trail conditions, chose this area because there are several options available. The loop road had been used by snowmobiles and so provided good footing. We took that the short distance to the Hemlock Road which is really a path.

Kelley was, of course, happy to be out in all that snow though she stuck mostly to the trail. Hikers had preceded us but the snow beside the trail was still fairly deep and a bit of a slog.

Lichen of the day.

From Hemlock we took the Jesup Path. Though it's not very evident in this picture the boardwalk through this section ( often quite wet) has been completed.

We continued on the Jesup, after the boardwalk section, to the Tarn.

From there it was back to the Hemlock Rd., to the Hemlock Trail, to the Kebo Mtn. Trail. This trail was a little trickier. A snowshoer had preceded us but blazes were not evident and he seemed to have wandered a bit. We decide to just follow his tracks in hopes of finding the actual trail and eventually we again found blazes and the trail. This trail had the deepest snow and with only one hiker preceding us was a bit more work.

Kelley wanted to reach the actual summit cairn and did.

We proceeded down the other side of Kebo and back to the loop road. Having more time and a little more energy we went on to do the section of the Jesup we had not done and circled back again on the Hemlock and then back to our car. A nice hike - 3 hours.