Sunday, February 27, 2011
2/27/11 More Snow
Night before last we got eight or nine inches of new snow. Yesterday after clearing two driveways we just did a couple of walks around the neighborhood. This morning we did a couple of hours of the local snowmobile trails. Though I have had enough snow it is still beautiful, especially this little piece through the woods.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
2/24/11 Snowmobile and Other Trails
The day started out bright and sunny but with much less wind so very pleasant. The plan was to explore some snowmobile trails near Glenburn by walking to them on the trail that runs along the power lines next to Walden Parke. The trails are well packed and groomed, making for nice walking. Soon after we started Kelley found a small ( not snowmobile) trail leading off into the woods that she wanted to check out. This was a pretty woods walk and we soon found other small intersecting trails. The trail we were on ended at someones house and we guess the other trails lead to other houses though we did not see any and we returned to our original trail. When we got to the area we wanted to explore the trail turned into the woods and, again was very pleasant. We think we ended up near Pushaw Lake but the map we had was confusing ( and my sense of direction is poor). We turned and headed back the way we had come and the sky began to accumulate some clouds (there is a winter storm warning for tomorrow) but we found a large recently cut tree stump to sit on while we enjoyed our lunch and a beautiful day. 3-1/2 hours

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
2/22/11 Around Jordan Pond

Cold and windy but bright blue skies. We started from the Jordan Pond House on the carriage road that runs along and above the pond. Prior traffic and the cold weather combined to create a crust for good walking and mostly we were protected from the wind. I think this is one of the more interesting sections of the roads.

At intersection ten we turned east for awhile and then south along Bubble Pond. We only met two hikers today and they were on the Pond Trail parallel to us and Kelley ran across to greet them and I followed. We then continued on the carriage road to the Pond Trail going west. This had had little traffic but again there was enough of a crust to provide a pretty good surface.

When we reached the park loop road we took that back to the pond house. A nice hike 3-1/4 hours
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
2/21/11 Along The Kenduskaeg Stream
Cold but sunny blue skies-a beautiful day. This snowmobile trail is also close to home but we had not done it yet this year. It is actually a continuation of a branch off the one that runs behind our house. This section runs mostly close along the Kenduskaeg Stream and we started from Griffin Rd. and walked to Finson Rd. The trail was well packed and easy walking. A nice two hour walk.
From the bridge crossing the stream

From the bridge crossing the stream

Saturday, February 19, 2011
2/18/11 Breakneck Rd. and Witch Hole Pond Loop

Mild temperatures but raining at home but we decided to go anyway. By the time we got to the park it had stopped and along the way we got a few peeks of sun. We started from the end of the Breakneck Rd. which was fairly well packed but dog walkers. From the brook to the ponds there had been only a few people before us and the walking was much harder. Once on the carriage roads the footing was again firm. We only saw one person, at a distance, near the end. Kelley was able to be mostly off leash until we walked along the road from the visitor center parking back to the Breakneck. This turned out to be a very nice hike and we were glad we didn't let the rain stop us from going. 3 hours

Lower Breakneck Pond

Duck Brook

Witch Hole Pond

Friday, February 18, 2011
2/17/11 Snowmobile and Side Trails Near Home
Just an hour and a half on the trails near home.Near the end we cut through a trailer park with very muddy roads and Kelley managed to get herself covered with dirt. When we got back on the trail that runs to the house I started throwing sticks into the deep snow which she had to pull herself through, doing a nice job of cleaning her coat ( she hates baths).

Thursday, February 17, 2011
2/16/11 Camden Hills State Park

Mild temperatures and a mix of sun and clouds. We started from the parking lot on Youngstown Rd. ,taking the Ski Lodge Trail to the Cameron Mtn. Trail. Both of these trails are used by snowmobiles and so were well packed and nice walking. We planned to continue on the Cameron, and depending on conditions, to other trails to loop back to the end of the Ski Lodge trail. But when we got to the point the Cameron turns toward the others we found that it had had no use and the snow was too deep for comfortable walking. We continued on the snowmobile trail (orange dashes) until we reached a road and the turned back the way we had come. Kelley found a small side trail ( more orange dashes) made by snowmobiles that she wanted to explore so we took that. It was a pleasant woods walk and when that too came to a road we again turned back to the Ski Lodge and that to the parking lot. A nice day - 3 hours

From Cameron Mtn. A small rise with nice views.

Monday, February 14, 2011
2/14/11 From The Nature Center

Snowing when we left home but the sun was peeking through the clouds when we got to the park. The rest of the day was a mix of clouds and sun with mild temperatures. Because of all the snow and uncertain conditions, we picked this area with it's many trails knowing worse case we could always just walk the loop road. We started from the nature center and walked the Jesup Path (pretty good footing) to the park loop road. The loop road had been well used by snowmobiles and was nicely packed. We walked up to the eastern end of the Great Meadow loop which is relatively new and not walked by us. No one had been on it and after sinking knee deep in the snow we left that trail for another day. We turned back west and followed the loop road to the Cadillac N. Ridge trail head and then turned back (we had no plan to do that trail after doing it last winter). We next tried the Gorge Trail, hoping to get as far as the Hemlock Trail ( the trail become treacherous even in summer further on) ,which we did. Snowshoers had preceded us a couple of days ago and the trial was fairly well packed. The Hemlock had had little use and we sank fairly deep in the snow and this section became a bit of a slog until we passed the Dorr N. Ridge Trail when it again had had enough use to pack the snow. At the Stratheden ( fairly good footing) we turned north and walked back to the loop road, taking that to the Hemlock Path/Road which we took back to where we had started.

Loop Road

Gorge Path

Hemlock Trail

A nice hike on a pleasant day 2-3/4 hours
Sunday, February 13, 2011
2-13-11 Snowmobile Trails Near Home
The hike started bright and sunny but by it's end the clouds had taken over. We made a loop by going through the neighborhood to Broadway and picking up the trail on the other side. This looped around through some nice woods, back to Broadway and across, and through some fields to link up with the trail that eventually passes behind our house. Kelley has been a little gimpy the last couple of days ( not when we actually get walking) and, for a break, yesterday we had done only a few blocks downtown after my visit to the library. She was happy to be out on the snow again and off leash for most of the walk. A nice hour and a half for both of us.

Saturday, February 12, 2011
2/11/11 Aunty Betty Pond Loop

Another bright beautiful day. We started from the parking lot on Rte 233. All of the roads on this loop had been groomed for the skiers and so provided mostly firm footing with occasional softer spots. We did encounter a few skiers and I then had to put Kelley on her leash because she wanted to run along side them.

Maybe looking for a trail? She usually prefers them to the carriage roads. None of the trails we passed had been used by hikers- lots of deep snow.

The loop took less time than anticipated so we added about 45 minutes on the east side of Eagle Lake. This is one of the few sections of carriage road on which snowmobiles are allowed and their use had made very firm footing. Back on the leash for Kelley as she wanted to run out on the ice and visit the fishermen.

We saw this deer bounding across the frozen lake. Too far away for a picture but when it stopped for a moment, I took one anyway.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
2/10/11 Asher and Kelley
A cold but bright beautiful day.
Today we walked with Kelley's newest friend Asher and his owner. We started at Essex Woods and walked along the old rail bed until it is fenced, at which point the snowmobilers have made a nice path around and out into the marsh. We continued on a short distance after the trail returned to the rail bed and then turned back. The dogs both love the snow and were excited to be playing in it and with each other. They got along very well and this was a very pleasant walk.

Near the end of our walk and they are a bit calmer

Near the end of our walk and they are a bit calmer

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