A friend found this area ( The Kennebec Highlands) for us. Parts are under the stewardship of the Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance and part is Maine Public Reserved Lands. We started at the trail head for Round Top Mountain on Watson Pond Road. The first part of the hike is a pleasant walk in woods and then gradually ascends the mountain to a junction. The left fork leads to an overlook ( we did not find a 360 degree view described by one writer but views through and over trees) and then we doubled back to the junction and down the mountain. The descent is steeper but has better views. All and all a nice hike. 2 hours 20 minutes.
Also on Watson Pond Road was the trail head for the Sanders Hill Loop so we decided to do that too. Another woodsy trail but it gets steeper and rockier as you near the top. The views are, again, mostly over trees but at some spots you can see the trees outlined on the ridge of the mountain opposite and there is a nice feeling of being "in the mountains". The trail drops quickly to an old road which is part of the Kennebec Highlands Trail and that is followed for awhile until you return to the woods and the trail back to the parking area. Another quite nice trail with no problems for Kelley. 1 3/4 hours.
Trail Round Top Mtn.

Lichen - Sanders Hill

Kelley After Lunch - Sanders Hill

Sanders Hill