A glorious day after a dark cold rainy yesterday. We started at the West Ledge trail head on the Western Mountain Road and climbed to the summit of Bernard. This trail has several open ledges, as well as dense woods, giving more views than most of the trails in this part of the park. It was quite wet because of all the rain but we expected wet feet and Kelley loved it. From Bernard we dropped steeply down to Little Notch and took the Sluiceway Trail down to Mill Field. Again very wet and slippery. From Mill Field we took the Bernard South Face Trail back to the intersection with the Ledge Trail-this amounted to re-climbing a good deal of Bernard. From there we returned to the trail head. 3 hours.
I had read about a fire road that was reported as a nice walk and since it was near ( off Seal Cove Road) we went there for lunch. The road is mostly grass and goes through woods and marsh to end at a stream 1 - 1/2 miles from the road. Very pleasant with the only sound the wind in the
From Bernard West Ledge Trail

Bernard Mountain Trail

Seal Cove Marsh Fire Road