More x-rays today and I am now allowed weight bearing ( with a walking boot for the first two weeks) so we are headed toward hiking again. I have decided to post some pictures from hikes we did prior to starting the blog.The first batch are from October 14,2009. We went to Little Moose Public Reserved Lands near Greenville and were surprised to find snow . Even the roads were beautiful.

When I backed up to take this picture I backed into a ditch and ended up with the front wheels up in the air ( front wheel drive). As I was trying to fill in the ditch with rocks a man in a jeep came along ( the only person we saw all day) and helped us,eventually resorting to a chain to pull us out.

The hike took us up along a ridge and we encountered even more snow.

In spite of the auto mishap ( and I was worried we might spend the day in that ditch ) it was a hike magically transformed by the first snow of the year.