Cloudy and cool-good hiking weather. We started from Walker Ridge Road and headed for Frye Mtn. Kelley soon found water.

An hour into the hike it started to rain lightly but not enough to be a problem . There are a lot of these old stone walls in these woods-most higher than this one which crosses the path

We saw a lot of fungus, especially the shelf variety

This one was about 12 inches across

This is where the old fire tower was anchored and there are still bolts in the granite ledge.

Trail guides describe great views from Frye but we have done this hike several times and knew this not to be true. This is the best.

Bartlett Stream

We had considered doing the loop but decided against it for Kelley's sake ( she was still a bit lame when we got home) and returned the way we had come. 3 1/2 hours
Those fungi are other-worldly.
ReplyDeleteThey are strange-and there were more varieties.
ReplyDeleteI've got to try this one..do you think there are any brookies in Bartlett?
ReplyDeleteNot the section we saw-the water was quite low
ReplyDeleteWhat a great story. Good luck to all of you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Anonymous