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Finding Trail Descriptions

So as not to repeat myself excessively, I am reducing the amount of description of trails that have already been posted. Please use the search function ( upper left) to find older posts which have more detailed trail descriptions and pictures. You can also use this to find specific hikes either by trail or mountain.

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Monday, June 30, 2014

6/29/14 City Forest

Supposed to get into the upper 80's so we went early - I also wanted something - close and easy so we went to the forest. I knew we would still have to deal with the deer flies and decided to try Kim's suggestion and put a patch on the top of Kelley's collar. I first put a wider strip of cloth so it wouldn't be in her fur. By the time we got down to the pond she had already caught 3 flies but - then she jumped in the water- I had not included this in the calculations. She , of course, got into the water every chance she got , and then a good shake- the patch was soon worthless. The West trail was not bad as long as we kept moving but the old rail bed had hoards of the flies. Back on the West Trail we met some nice women with two large dogs but Kelley avoided the dogs- they were friendly so not sure what the problem was. We met other people and dogs and there was not a problem with them.

In spite of the deer flies I did get some pictures and we got in a 2 hour walk.

Golden Crown Vetch

Wild Columbine

 Friendly Moth

Crown Vetch

Sunday, June 29, 2014

6/28/14 Goose Ridge

Another trail that would not be too wet. Nice sunny day- starting to get warm- 82 when we finished just before noon.

On the way to this hike, I have seen this truck many times and thought about a picture and today I took it.

The trail is mostly fairly dense woods so there were few flowers and insects

there are two meadows at the ranch that you walk along and that was when we realized it was warming up and nice to be in the woods.

Two I did get

A pretty good hike- there were not enough mosquitoes to bother spraying poison on myself and only 5 deer flies - they landed on Kelley when we stopped- easily dispatched.  We met no one and so had it all to ourselves. 2  3/4 hours 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

6/27/14 Lagrange Rail-Trail

Rain the last two days, with short walks around the neighborhood and downtown but we have sun today. Expecting many trails would be very wet we picked a raised rail-trail. We usually start this one from the Medford end but started from Lagrange because we hadn't done it that way in awhile. It's nicer from the other end- more varied terrain and more isolated from roads.

Near the start we passed under the small highway bridge

and headed down the trail

At the start the deer flies were numerous as well as mosquitoes. I had brought a cap and deer fly patches and bug spray.

The number of flies decreased as we proceeded and I was able to stop and take a few pictures.

This butterfly was a little beat up

Not an exciting hike but nice just to be out after two days of rain. There were large puddles ( easily got around) and water beside the trail so Kelley was able to get in water. The bugs didn't seem to bother her very much but it bothered me when the flies would get on her face and I would snatch them away. Haven't figured a way to affix a patch on her and keep it on top - she doesn't like anything attached.  3 hours 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/24/14 Marsh Island

Mix of sun and clouds- breezy ( my excuse why some pictures not as sharp as they ought to be) . Supposed to rain the next two days and I need to mow the lawn and do some gardening so a nearby short hour and a quarter. Kelley also didn't seem very enthusiastic but enjoyed the hike once we got there. We started from Hillside and followed the route shown- a little different as we went down to the river and then walked the road for a piece before walking through a field to the trail so Kelley could have the pond again.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/23/14 Demeritt Forest

Nice day- sunny and 70's. We started from the Logan Rd. entrance and walked to the Green Trail. This was not our best decision as the trail was still very wet.

What's more it had become quite lush and it was difficult to see where you were stepping.

There were lots of dragonflies

We followed the route indicated above but missed the Black Trail and ended up at the entrance on Stillwater Ave. We backtracked and ended up on an old woods road we hadn't been on before and decided to follow it. We ended up near the school track and some houses. Back again and we found the Black Trail and our way out - this section has confused me before.

One of the roads

When we got back to the car we continued across the road and down to the river- lunch and swimming for Kelley.

And some floating leaves

A pretty good hike in spite of the confusion at the Black Trails  and the extremely wet Green Trail- other trails had had wet spots that were easily got around. Kelley was happy and seemed in good shape. 2  3/4 hours 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bangor 6-22-14

Nice morning but Kelley seemed a little gimpy after yesterday's hike and I decided on an easy one for today. We just went downtown and walked around for an hour and a quarter. We went down by the river so she could have a couple of swims  and then wandered a bit. There were lots of friendly people about which always  makes her happy.

We had parked near the river so Kelley got in one last swim at the end. This family of ducks quickly swam away but Kelley paid them no attention. She was only interested in the water.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

6/21/14 City Forest

Nice day- sunny and around 70. I wanted something close so I would have time to catch up on garden work. We started from the end of Kittredge Rd. and did our usual route.

Kelley really likes the beaver pond

Some of the things we saw.

One final swim in the pond before we head up the hill

A nice hike on a pretty day. There were lots of people about- walkers, runners, and bikers, and some dogs and that made Kelley happy. 2 hours