Supposed to get into the upper 80's so we went early - I also wanted something - close and easy so we went to the forest. I knew we would still have to deal with the deer flies and decided to try Kim's suggestion and put a patch on the top of Kelley's collar. I first put a wider strip of cloth so it wouldn't be in her fur. By the time we got down to the pond she had already caught 3 flies but - then she jumped in the water- I had not included this in the calculations. She , of course, got into the water every chance she got , and then a good shake- the patch was soon worthless. The West trail was not bad as long as we kept moving but the old rail bed had hoards of the flies. Back on the West Trail we met some nice women with two large dogs but Kelley avoided the dogs- they were friendly so not sure what the problem was. We met other people and dogs and there was not a problem with them.
In spite of the deer flies I did get some pictures and we got in a 2 hour walk.
Golden Crown Vetch
Wild Columbine
Friendly Moth
Crown Vetch
In spite of the deer flies I did get some pictures and we got in a 2 hour walk.
Golden Crown Vetch
Wild Columbine
Friendly Moth
Crown Vetch