More suggestions from Scott. Kingdom Woods is another part of the Blue Hill Heritage Trust. We started with the larger section but took the little side trail to the pond and then proceeded to complete the two loops. The trails are mostly flat in some very pretty woods.

Fourth Pond

The east side of the north loop does rise up to a small area of ledge and open meadow.

Where we found these guys

When we completed both loops we visited the pond so Kelley could get in another swim.

We then drove a bit up the road to walk the smaller loop where we spotted this toad

and there were lots of Bunchberry

John B. Mountain is also part of the trust and nearby and, according to Scott, a short climb with nice views so we drove on over and it was as advertised.

I was a bit unclear about the ownership of the John B Mountain property. Coastal Mountains Land Trust has held a conservation easement on the parcel for years. Last year Blue Hill Heritage Trust took possession of the property.
I don't know who built the trails, but BHHT is working on them now. What an awesome view for only 300' above sea level!
Good photo of the toad. You shortened the depth of field until only its head and shoulders were in focus.
The rods down there are so confusing I swear I've worn a wide spot on the shoulder at every intersection where I've stopped to look at the map. I'm getting better though with practice!
Hi Scott
ReplyDeleteThanks for comments and information about the trust. Your directions to the mountain worked well for us.
I agree with Scott...nice photo of the toad. The bumblebee is nice also. I'm surprised at how many different new trails you keep finding. Kudos again to Scott for sharing hiking info.
ReplyDeleteThanks for comments john W.