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So as not to repeat myself excessively, I am reducing the amount of description of trails that have already been posted. Please use the search function ( upper left) to find older posts which have more detailed trail descriptions and pictures. You can also use this to find specific hikes either by trail or mountain.

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Saturday, February 24, 2018

2/23/18 Little Long Pond

Overcast and 29 degrees but we had a couple of days of above freezing weather with rain and thought the trails at Acadia might be improved.

Obligatory shot of the pond.

The pond was mostly frozen except at the end where it empties into the ocean and was flowing.

We decided to try the West Side Trail because it looked to be mostly ice free.

But then we started running into large patches of ice

A little stream had water

The trail was getting quite difficult but I thought we could take the  trail across Jordan Stream and over to the carriage road and take that back which would be easy. When we got to the bridge across the stream it was surrounded by ice and Kelley would not come down to it so we headed back the way we had come.

More icy trail

One last dip

Not the hike we had planned. It took us 2 1/4 hours and was dangerous in spots. Kelley did very well with the ice except for a few spots she had to bushwhack around. This was the longest hike she has done in some time and I was glad for that.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2/19/18 Snowmobile Trail Along the Kenduskeg

We have had a stretch of bad weather for hiking with lots of ice. This morning the sun was shining  with temperatures around freezing so we went to this nearby trail to check conditions.

Still lots of snow in the parking area

and along the stream

but the trail was well packed snow with excellent footing -  just off the trail you were in knee deep snow.

Both dogs seemed happy to be out.

The stream was not completely frozen over

At that point we turned back - Kelley waiting for us.

Almost back.

A very pleasant little hike which both dogs seemed to enjoy, as did I 

Friday, February 16, 2018

2/15/18 Friendship Path Long Pond

We have continued to have ups and downs in temperature and precipitation, making it a tough year for us- especially as we age. Today supposed to get to lower forties so we headed back to the area above Long Pond that we had hiked last, which had good footing.

Close to the parking area is a small stream that was not frozen.

The carriage roads looked icy so we tried the Friendship Path

Patches of ice that could be worked around

Until this section where we turned back

Decided to check a little further on the carriage roads but they were impossible. Kelley didn't even follow me.

She had gone back to the little stream. At this point we gave up and settled for the short hike we had done. This was disappointing as when we arrived Kelley had got out of the car without encouragement. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

2/9/18 Carriage Roads Around Long Pond

Forecast is for several days of snow, rain, and sleet so we headed to Acadia to try and get a hike in. At Little Long Pond Kelley wouldn't get out of the car. Went to a nearby parking spot to see if she would get out there. . After some encouragement she got out and I decided to go with the carriage roads which I thought would be easier for Kelley.

This was much better than our last hike - packed crusty snow with good footing,

The ice was in the ditches beside the roads,

Kelley did well and even took the lead at times.

There is a small stream near the parking area and Kelley always gets into it so she is nice and wet for the car.

A nice little hike and it was good we got one in because the bad weather came as forecast.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2/6/18 Harbor Brook

Been awhile since Kelley has wanted to hike. Twenty three and cloudy this morning but more snow forecast for tomorrow so I decided we would go to one of Kelley's favorite trails, even though a fairly long drive. Had to urge her out of the car but she did well once we were on the trail.

This where Kelley usually gets in the water for first time on this hike - not today.

The trail was really icy - another surprise.

There are a lot of trees down across the stream and beside it.

These were across the trail - Kelley went under them - I had to work my way around.

Though the stream was flowing there was a lot of ice along the banks and Kelley does not like the ice.

We finally found a spot where she could get in the water. After we accomplished that we headed back

A tiny stream across the trail - not deep enough to really lie down.

A treacherous hike but Kelley finally got some exercise. She did better on the icy trails than I did.